Solihull Approach | Parenting



At the Solihull Approach, we are dedicated to making our parenting resources and courses accessible to a diverse audience.

First Five Years Resource Pack - Leaflets​

Professional translations of the discussion leaflets in the First Five Years Resource Pack are available. These translations are slowly expanding. Additionally, you can download free professional translations of the parent’s view and child’s view on sleeping, feeding, toileting, and behavior in Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese (Mandarin), Gujarati, Lithuanian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Urdu, Welsh, and Arabic.

inourplace - Online courses for parents

Online courses for parents are available in several professional translations, including Bulgarian, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Modern Standard Arabic, Somali, Urdu, and Welsh. Furthermore, some of these courses even feature voice-overs.

Additionally, all courses are accessible in 108 languages through Google Translate.

